Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weekly Reflection

Total hours worked this week: 15 hours

This first week of Senior Project has been very successful and I am looking forward to the next two. I was a little nervous at first, some of my worries were, are the students going to like me, am I going to work well with the teacher, would I be able to teach? Once I walked into the classroom the students along with Ms. Wallace welcomed me with open arms. This week I learned more that each kid is different. With in the class there many different types of students, there is one boy who is very tense and always makes sure that he’s done all his work and that he has done it to the best of his ability. Then there is one girl who literally has the maturity of someone who is ten yeas older then her. She is also very smart, and always contributes to the class. Then there are a couple of students that have ADD which makes teaching a little harder, but Ms. Wallace always asks me if I have any questions about teaching a very learning style diverse class. I love my Senior Project, and I am very glad that I decided to do it; it will help me so much with my decision in the future if I want to go into teaching or not, or if being in an elementary school is the right atmosphere for me.

So far I have been making copies for Ms. Wallace, but on Monday I will be actually teaching the class. I will be teaching Spanish for forty-five minutes, and I think I was asked to teach on Monday because I will have accomplished one of my goals, and it gives me an opportunity to see what it is like to teach a classroom. So far everything that has happened was very expected, but it has only been a week, so the unexpected could be coming up in the next two weeks. What I have benefited so far from this first week is that being a teacher leaves you with a very busy lifestyle throughout the school year. Ms. Wallace told me on the first day that one of the benefits of being a teacher is that your workday does not slowly go by since you always have something to do. This is a great idea for a Senior Project and I know that these next two weeks with the class is going to be very good.

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