Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Reflection Number Two

This week has been amazing! I learned so much about teaching a classroom full of students that learn differently to how to act in a scary situation. At the beginning of the week I tough the class body parts in Spanish and I made them a slide show of the pictures that I took while in Spain. Then I got to sit in on the other third grade classroom and see the way another teacher would teach the class.
I learned that even the smallest classes, can have the most diverse students. Some of the students have ADD, some take a little while longer to learn, and some learn really fast and try to make sure that everything that they are doing is above and beyond. It was great to teach students of different learning styles, because it really does put you in the teacher’s shoes. You have to make sure that everyone in the class understands what you are talking about, and also make sure that you give everyone a chance to answer the questions that you ask. After sitting in on the other third grade class, I learned so much! I learned that not every teacher is the same. They all teach the same thing, but they do not all teach it the same way. Like I said in my earlier post about Ms. Wallace and Mr. Hubbard’s teaching styles of teaching math are different but both are very successful.
I still love what I chose to do for my Senior Project! I know that for sure I want to be in an Elementary school, I feel like the atmosphere of an elementary school is the best place for me. When I was asked to go sit in on Mr. Hubbard’s class I was not surprised since sitting in on another class was one of my goals, and Ms. Wallace made sure that I accomplished this goal. For most of the week everything that happened was expected. The only surprise for me was when I was on duty for recess on Friday a student who was not part of my class got seriously hurt! I had to go and find the nurse and I kept telling myself to stay calm, because if I am worked up about the situation, then the kids would start getting worried. It was really nice that I learned something about myself during that time, I could stay calm in a scary situation.
What I will benefit from this week is to stay calm in a scary situation that involves little kids that will always try and imitate their elders, so if I freaked, then they would freak as well. I also learned that teachers teach the same things but they all use their own style on how to teach a subject.
It is really depressing that Monday is my last week of Senior Project! I have so far loved it!


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