Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day Two

Week Number One: Day Two
Hours: 7:30-12:00 (total hours worked: 4 and a half hours)

Now for the second day! Ms. Wallace and I arrived to the classroom around the same time so both of us got down to business. She was organizing the room and putting up the date, and today's schedule (all in Spanish). Then she showed me where the students look to see what there job is for the day. One student is the class leader where they take the drink orders for snack time, stand in the front of the line and make sue it is perfect when the class needs to line up, and that person also passes out papers to the class, other jobs are watering the plants and cleaning up the classroom. I then went over to the office to make copies of the morning work that Ms. Wallace had for the students, some of there morning work could be more phonics, working on writing in cursive, or more math problems. Morning work could also be correcting something that they got wrong on yesterdays homework.
While Ms. Wallace was teaching the class lateral multiplication she had me correct a mountain load of the students work. I corrected things like spelling, what words match with each other, and loads and loads of math problems. I think it was good for me to correct so much math because it gave me a chance to review what type of math is being covered in third grade, and I was able to re-learn what they were doing. I felt really good correcting the work because I could see myself getting closer and closer to my goal of helping Ms. Wallace correct work. Then after Ms. Wallace explained how to later multiply the students had to do work book pages to do, it consists of what they have just learned, or it is a review of what they have learned in the past.
When they are done with those pages they play board games like checkers and chess, and I played checkers with a boy named jared and I am sorry to say but he kicked my butt. After snack time we worked on phonics and reviewed on making the /S/ sound in their writing. Then they had to write down words that looked like how they sound and words that do NOT look like how they sound. An example of a yes word is CUT and an example of a no word is DOOR. After phonics time, Ms. Wallace gave the students forty five minutes to work on their shot stories that they are writing. I helped some of the students with their stories, some of the students are writing about how Wilber (in Charlotte's Web) and Babe met, one boy is writing about monsters, and one girl is writing an autobiography. One is writing a classic tale about king whose daughter falls in love with a prince, but the king does not want his daughter to marry because he wants to stay the king forever. Another girl is writing letters to her two pen pals. One of them lives in Philly, and the other lives in Nashville. I was so amazed with the creativity that this class has. I helped the students brainstorm what they want to write about in their stories. I would give them examples like what do Babe and Wilber like to do, and what they do when they end up meeting each other. While helping the girls who were writing to her pen pals and the autobiography, I gave them the same sort of outline, I gave them some ideas to write about like what they like to do for fun and what there favorite food, music, book, etc. is.
Ms. Wallace described again to the class what she is expecting in a daily journal response, she told the kids to have sticky notes with them and when they read something that they want to write about in their journal. This makes the process of writing a response easier for the kids because they do not have to try and memorize the story to make a response. Ms. Wallace explained how to write a journal response again because she wants her students to write perfect responses by the end of the year. A half an hour before lunch we read another chapter in James and the giant peach, we read as a class again so that more kids had a chance to read out loud. While the students were at lunch I talked with Ms. Wallace abut how I liked the sticky note idea because it teaches them early on how to active read, which i know from experience, will defiantly help them in the future.
As the days go on I know that I am going to grow to these kids, and become attached to them, they make working with them so easy because they all listen to me and follow along with what I am doing!

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