Thursday, May 22, 2008

Special Memories

Week Number Three
Day Number Four
Hours worked: 7:20-9:45, 11:00-1:00, 2:40-3:30

As today was my second to last day of Senior Project, I thought that I should be at the school as much as possible. So I went in at my usual time this morning. Ms. Wallace informed me that today was going to be a little messed up because she had a literacy workshop so she could learn how to teach English and reading better. So today's schedule was a little messed up. Instead of math first thing, we worked more on our sea filed guides in preparation for their field trip. We did that until snack time and then kept working on it until lunch. Then during lunch, Ms. Wallace and Mr. Hubbard had to leave for their workshop and there were substitutes for both classes. I attended lunch with the kids again, and I went to recess. Today Brandon brought in his eight week old puppies to show off, and they were very cute.

After recess I read three mini stories to the class before their special. They tried to give me a hard time for a little bit. Instead of reading out loud they wanted to play games, but I told them that this is what Ms. Wallace told me to do, and i am going to do it. After telling them that a couple of times they calmed down, and i was able to read them the stories. It was nice being the "teacher" for that part because I was able to show myself that even when the kids are saying something different that the teacher lets them do, I knew in my gut that it was not true. Afterward I told Ms. Wallace that and she was very proud of me. :)

Then at 2:40, I went back for a faculty meeting. During that meeting the teachers were working on their workshop still, but there was a leader telling the teachers how to make lists of what they should do when they teach, and then each teacher from a specific grade got together in groups and made their lists.

Overall it was a good day! It was a little crazy going back and forth from Proctor to the elementary school but I had a lot new experiences that I will keep with me for a life time!

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