Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day Four

Week Number 1
Day Number Four
Hours Worked: 7:30-10:00 (total hours- 2 1/2)

Walking back into the classroom this morning I was very happy to be back, even if it was 7:20 in the morning. Tomorrow is progress report day so I helped Ms. Wallace by making copies in the teacher's room of the reports. Then my little friend Katlin was the first student to walk into the room but she had nothing with her! I asked her where her backpack was and she said "I forgot it in my dad's car! and my homework was in it!" Today was the sectary's birthday so the along with the other third grade class we went across the hall to the office and sang happy birthday to her. After our class sang happy birthday to her in Spanish! She was very surprised that the class could sing that well in another language.

After singing happy birthday we went back to the classroom for some more singing! Everyday the class sings a song about the sun and what it does and how great it is. After singing it is time for Math. During math time they worked in their workbooks and then after they checked there work with a partner they did an activity where they got to be bridge builders and build a bridge using two books that were nine centimeters apart and a piece of paper. What Ms. Wallace wanted them to achieve was to notice that, after making a fan like shape with the paper, triangles are one of the strongest shapes. They needed to see that if objects like paper clips, crayons, pencils, erasers, and calculator could stay safely on the bridge with out falling to the floor.

Following snack time they repotted plants and looked at the roots to see how the plant grows, and what things you can do to make the plant grow better. Some of the kids did not want to repot plants so they were with me at the classroom store where they can buy things like a new pencil, erasers, or get a pass to attend any special that they wanted. In order to "buy" things at the class store they need to have enough wings to buy things. What you have to do to get a wing is be respectful, help someone if they need it, or overall be a helpful person and a good citizen in the classroom.

When I had to leave today at 10 go to assembly and my themes class, the class was grabbing onto my arms and legs and begging me not to go. It felt so good that the kids did not want me to go because I knew that I was growing on the kids and that the liked me being there!

1 comment:

woodswalker said...

It brings me great joy to hear you are part of a program that brings you so much joy!