Monday, May 12, 2008

Teaching Day

Week Number Two
Day Number Six
Hours Worked: 10:30-2:40 (total: 4 hours 10 minutes)

Today was the beginning of my second week and I was so happy to be back in the classroom. When I walked in they were doing their daily group reading of James and the Giant Peach. After their reading Ms. Wallace organized a class discussion about their Author's Day which was supposed to happen last Friday but due to testing it did not work, so the day keep getting pushed further and further back. Then they did a class vote, which was if they wanted Author's Day today while three students finished their testing, or push the day back to tomorrow so the whole class can be together reading their hand written stories. The vote ended up, Author's Day is tomorrow!

After they made a list of how many books they have read as a class during their last term. What they have to do is write down the title, the author, what genre the book is, what day they finished the book, and AS A CLASS they had to decide if the book was easy, just right, or challenge. Each books was different, they read some challenges, some easy, and some that were just right for them.

Then it was time for them to work on their stories that they would be sharing during Author's Day, or they could start a new story. Today I worked with two girls that I work with a lot, One of them was starting a new story, and I helped her brainstorm some new ideas, and when she came up with a few ideas she read them to me.

I worked with the other girl who was drawing pictures to go with her poem, I would read her poems to make sure that the spelling was correct and that she was using the right grammar. Then she showed me her drawings and explained to me why she drew what she did.

Lunch time! While walking down to lunch the girls were again asking me to sit with them at lunch, but since Ms. Wallace did not have lunch duty I told them that I would be eating with her in the faculty room, and they became very sad, and Ms. Wallace laughed and said, Your a rockstar Ms. Ray." I loved that she said that! It made me feel so good! After lunch three of my buddies came up to Ms. Wallace and I complaining about a fight that happened during recess. Ms. Wallace talked to each of the girls to sort out what happened, and it ended up being a fight about where a girl was in the line up to go in from recess. I was a little upset about the reason for why the girls were fighting but it was nice to see how Ms. Wallace handled the situation.

Then during their special (Library) I helped Ms. Wallace correct papers, and I got myself prepared to TEACH THE CLASS! Today I taught them Spanish, what I taught them were the verbs Decir and Tocar. Then I taught them the parts of the body and we played Simon Says, IN SPANISH! It went really well, the class had a lot of fun and I was actually really surprised at how the class went.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photos are a nice touch Ms. Ray